WordPress database error: [Table 'wordpress.wp_cleantalk_sfw' doesn't exist]
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Executive News Briefs - glean.info

Executive News Briefs

Made-to-Order, Concise & Timely News Briefs for Managers

The customized corporate news digest provides a reliable and cost-effective way for your executives to see the day’s key stories that directly impact your organization. The time-saving news brief condenses hundreds of news clips into a concise 5 to 10-minute “read” focused exclusively on relevant news that impacts your company, competitors, industry, and issues.

Benefits of Executive News Briefs

  • Saves valuable time of executives
  • Identifies business opportunities and competitive threats
  • Provides actionable insights
  • Improves decision-making
  • Customized formats and article selection criteria

Customized, Concise Summaries of Daily News

Our Executive News Briefs use human editors to assure that the right news is summarized correctly for executive teams.

Our editors work with you to define the editorial approach to distill thousands of collected items into 10 to 25 key items into a customized, concise, timely news digest. News briefs are organized according to your requirements by subject or media type – however you want it sorted.

Executive News Briefs can be delivered electronically before start of business via e-mail or automated posting to your intranet. Links to the original news source enable access to the full text of every article for more detail.

In addition to the day’s hard news, the news summary can include feature articles, editorials, op-ed articles, letters to the editor, photos, graphics, streaming video, and social media posts.

Besides saving executives precious time, your Executive News Brief provides executives essential competitive intelligence they might miss.

You set the guidelines for article selection.

You select articles by media type, news sources, keywords or issues. You can monitor your corporate name, brand names, competitor names, industry terms, current issues of interest, or any other type of term you wish. You can change your keyword queries at any time.

Typical criteria for news clip selection include:

  • Affects the organization’s reputation
  • Reports on organization’s decisions, policies, or announcements
  • Includes market insight about organization’s products or services
  • Provides market intelligence about competitors
  • Reports on regulations affecting the organization
  • Contains criticism of the organization
  • Reports on or affects industry segment
  • Affects public perception about industry

Glean.info Executive News Brief: customized, cost efficient and time-saving communications tools to keep executives informed of the latest and most important news, trends and opinions they need to know.