Photo credit: Invest Ottawa
Technology reviewers and other commentators were busy announcing the top tech gizmos and trends following the mammoth Consumer Electronics Show. Taking a different perspective, a few PR pros cited the main public relations lessons from the show.
Over 3,600 vendors displayed their products in 2.2 million net square feet to more than170, 000 CES attendees this month in Las Vegas. Although the CES may be unique because of its size, PR practitioners can apply many of the lessons to other trade shows and conferences.
Start early. Reporters are extremely busy at the show – and most trade shows — and welcome the chance to complete as much as possible beforehand. Trade shows release a list of their media attendees to exhibitors a month or more in advance of the show. Start contacting media when the list appears, or even before it’s released if possible. Most journalists are open to receiving demos and announcements in advance of the show and are usually good at honoring non-disclosure agreements and embargo times, says Jared Leavitt, vice president of technology strategy at Access Communications. Pre-briefing media frees your time for other meetings at the show and enables reporters to post their articles as soon the news breaks.
Seek early meetings. Try to schedule media interviews and meetings early in the day. Your spokesperson and reporters will be less likely to be delayed or miss the meeting entirely. Meetings at the end of the day are the most likely to be cancelled, delayed or rescheduled because of delays throughout the day.
Meet early in the week. Interviews held early in the week are more likely to achieve early show coverage. “As the week goes on, people (including the media) get burnt out and conversations can get lost,” states Kathleen Fusco, director at Zer0 to 5ive. Briefing your target media prior to the show and early on during the show will ensure strong communication of your message to make certain that it is not lost in the other buzz.
Pitch to the local media. Local media publish major news but may not attend the show. However, they may be interested in a company exhibiting at the event that has a local angle. A pitch may secure their interest and generate coverage. Attendees often access local media, especially broadcast, while attending the show.
Seek video coverage. More media websites augment their content with video. Earmark time on your spokesperson’s calendar and try to arrange a video appearance. In addition, watch for roving video crews while you man your booth. Have a show floor pitch prepared for them in advance.
Avoid gimmicks. Everyone attends the convention to get work done. Individuals’ schedules are packed. Attendees are too busy for games. Scavenger hunts, strategically placed QR codes, contests and giant character suits may sound like good ideas during planning stages, Leavitt says. However, they are not likely to win media coverage.
Find their photos. After you schedule interviews with journalists, visit LinkedIn or their company websites to learn what reporters look like. This will help you avoid examining conference badges of everyone who walks by. Even if photos are outdated, they should provide a general idea of what they look like.
Catch attention. Provide something at your booth that will capture attention and prompt visitors to take a photo. A busy booth or a unique attraction can attract the media’s attention.
Use real-time calendars. A real-time calendar enables PR teams to schedule and re-schedule meetings on the fly and remain in sync, since all team members can access the online calendar. Fusco’s team used a color-coded Google calendar. “This allowed us to continue pitching and follow-up during the event as schedules changed,” she said. “Our spokespeople had the meeting details at their fingertips at all times, ensuring they were prepared and briefed for the next discussion.”
Be well rested. Attending trade shows is exhausting. The CES and National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) are especially infamous for sore feet. Staying well-rested, well-hydrated, well-nourished, and avoiding late night gambling will help ensure that you are alert and focused throughout the day.
Bottom Line: Trade shows like the CES offer PR professionals major opportunities for PR coups. Capitalizing on those opportunities requires advance work, leg work, good pitches and, sometimes, even working round the clock to secure top-tier placements.
William J. Comcowich founded and served as CEO of CyberAlert LLC, the predecessor of Glean.info. He is currently serving as Interim CEO and member of the Board of Directors. Glean.info provides customized media monitoring, media measurement and analytics solutions across all types of traditional and social media.
Staying on top of your PR at a trade show might seem overwhelming, especially if it’s a larger show. But by being proactive, you can really gain an advantage and the coverage you’re looking for. Thanks for sharing!