Alexis Fedor

By Alexis Fedor

When thinking about how to use social media to launch or promote your digital newsletter, there are thousands of potential outlets to consider. The options can be daunting when trying to determine the few that could best serve your needs.

A simple five-step process can put you on the right track to building a social media map that supports your goals and grows your newsletter subscriptions.

1. Identify and find your ideal reader online.

In positioning your publication online, you first must identify the reader you most want to attract. This is your ideal reader, the reader your newsletter speaks to and resonates with the most. Establish a reader profile in detail, including age range, income bracket, and what they most want and need in terms of content. Then, determine where your ideal reader spends time online — Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Tumblr or YouTube. Each social network has a predominant profile that can be matched to your ideal reader. Offer your publication to the ideal readers on the social network(s) that best meet the profile you’ve drawn. This is the starting point of your social media plan.

5-step social media blue print2. Learn what your ideal reader needs most and offer it in your social media content.

Once you determine where your ideal readers are active online, you can bet they are talking about a problem or looking for a solution that your publication can offer them. You can then develop content that answers their questions, before asking them to subscribe to your publication. You can provide a link to view an article free of charge to introduce them to your content without being pushy or trying to sell your publication. Once the ideal reader is convinced that your publication offers what they want, they are likely to subscribe. Ask yourself what your ideal readers need most and how you can offer it before they subscribe to your publication.

3. Optimize your blog

Your blog is another way to offer value to your ideal reader. It can become your most important marketing tool if used effectively. Let your blog articles address your ideal reader’s most pertinent questions, and give them a chance to read more by opting-in to your publication. There is no better way to build your list and gain new subscribers than through well-thought out, considerate and effective content that shows you are engaged with your ideal reader’s needs.

4. Offer your ideal reader the chance to opt-in to your publication multiple times.

When you offer value in your blog content, your ideal reader will want more. Don’t make it difficult for him or her by putting your opt-in at the bottom of your website where they have to search hard to find it. Make finding it quick and easy by placing the opt-in link within your blog article and at the end of the article.

5. Allow your ideal reader share your content with other readers.

Content is truly the new currency in online marketing. The more value readers get, the more they will trust the brand. So why not go the extra mile by giving your readers the most streamlined, easy and informative experience they can possibly have while spending time with your content online? Giving readers the option to share your content allows loyal readers to share your publication with others who will also value your content. A link within your content will allow them to share the content with others without leaving the page. Some digital publishing companies offer a Facebook app option, or share buttons for Twitter and Facebook. Your loyal readers want to help you spread the word about your publication. Now you can make it easy to do.

The best way to market your publication is to profile your ideal reader and address their pertinent issues. By offering them valuable content before asking them to subscribe, your newsletter will build brand loyalty and grow your list of new and loyal subscribers.