Some public relations leaders advise turning to Pope Francis for lessons about effective PR and communications. Some observers believe his PR and communications skills were a major factor in his selection as pope. His communications skills go beyond PR symbolism. They also entail leadership and long-range strategy.
Through his personal communications, the Pope is, in corporate terms, repositioning the Catholic Church, its mission and the tone of its communications.
PR practitioners and others explain the pope’s successful strategies.
He understands how behavior impacts public perception. Behavior speaks louder than any polished speech or press release.
He lives modestly. He has declined vestiges of opulence, such as gold pectoral crosses and ermine lined mantles. He walks rather than rides in a chauffeured limo, and refuses to live in the luxurious Apostolic Palace. He goes by himself to the optician for new glasses and says “Not too expensive.” Upon arrival in the United States, he rode to the White House in a small Fiat, not a limousine. (Imagine the chagrin of the Secret Service.) The humble lifestyle and rejection of traditional papal luxuries is authentic and not merely a publicity show. By his actions, he demonstrates that he is no different from one of his flock.
While he has not changed church doctrine, he has addressed many of the more contentious issues in Catholicism.
A Plain-Speaking Pope
He speaks plainly. Dorothy Crenshaw of Crenshaw Communications points to previous Vatican statement: “Unsustainable consumption coupled with a record human population and the uses of inappropriate technologies are causally linked with the destruction of the world’s sustainability and resilience.”
A tweet from Pope Francis, using the handle @pontifex, states: “The earth, our home, is beginning to look more and more like an immense pile of filth”
The earth, our home, is beginning to look more and more like an immense pile of filth.
— Pope Francis (@Pontifex) June 18, 2015
He is inclusive. PR professionals sometimes mistakenly address only their company’s or their client’s customers and employees. Previous pontiffs only addressed devout Catholics, or preached to the choir. Pope Francis speaks to non-Catholics and lapsed churchgoers in his communications.
A Focus on a Core Message
He has focused on a core concept and message – mercy and forgiveness. In doing so, he has changed the tone of Church teachings without changing doctrine. He has steered the Church, especially its bishops, away from caustic and critical language toward focusing on service and how to make life better for the faithful and all people. In his speech to Congress, Francis repeatedly emphasized the common good.
He understands symbolism. He washed the feet of prisoners, including young women, at a youth detention center in Rome. He poured water over the young offenders’ feet, wiped them with a white towel and kissed them. In another example, he rode a Harley, and then auctioned it off to benefit the homeless. In addition, he blessed it in front of a crowd of leather-clad bikers.
One attribute that PR strategists often seek to achieve, Francis definitely is not: transparent. He threads an area between religious conservatives and progressives. He takes actions that seem to liberalize processes, but he adheres to long-established doctrine. He reveals few personal opinions or positions. At this juncture, it’s just about impossible to characterize him as a liberal, conservative, or even a moderate. Unlike most politicians and corporate leaders, he does not overtly pander to his base. He appeals to the entire spectrum within and outside his Church. As a result, he has gained enormous personal and institutional influence in a short period of time.
In his effort to reposition the Catholic Church, Pope Francis has superb PR support. Many PR experts credit much of the Pope’s PR success to new communications consultant Greg Burke, a former Fox News journalist, who has improved the Holy See Press Office. The office is more modern and accessible. It releases more information in English and makes spokespeople more available. Burke also knows when to stay out of the way, understanding that Pope Francis usually needs little direction.
Successful PR Efforts
His PR efforts are succeeding, according to research from Shriver Media.
“Pope Francis is an adept political maverick. In just two years, the Vatican’s unorthodox leader has mobilized the most devout and adherent in his American flock and also moved those not regularly in the pews,” states Shriver Media.
“Pope Francis ditched the Prada slippers and lush Vatican living and urged acceptance of otherwise marginalized groups. He has captured our hearts, minds and headlines,” said Maria Shriver, founder of Shriver Media and creator of the Shriver Report Project.
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William J. Comcowich founded and served as CEO of CyberAlert LLC, the predecessor of He is currently serving as Interim CEO and member of the Board of Directors. provides customized media monitoring, media measurement and analytics solutions across all types of traditional and social media.