Photo credit: marek.sotak

This is more a quick tip than a quick thought.

There’s a new free online tool to A/B test the effectiveness of copy for a tweet. Developed by researchers at Cornell University with financial support from the National Science Foundation and Google, the software algorithm performs side-by-side assessment of two versions of a tweet and predicts which version has the better chance of being popular.

As described in Mashable, tests of thousands of tweets by the researchers seem to indicate that the algorithm has predictive power and that the tool may help businesses and brands identify better copy choices to use in their Twitter promotions.

Suggestion: Run your own A/B tests. Put two versions of the same message into the tweet evaluator and record its results. Then, tweet both versions and measure results in terms of retweets, favorites, reach and any other metrics you favor. Do it for at least 10 different tweets. Compare your results to the online software prediction. Either way, the results will guide your future content development.