by William Comcowich | Jun 4, 2019 | Business
Can a press release stimulate product innovation? Former Amazon executives say the ecommerce giant uses press releases for inspiration and innovation. The company’s product development teams write a hypothetical press release about a new product or service at the...
by William Comcowich | May 13, 2019 | Business
Like many others, professionals in PR and marketing often detest meetings as a waste of time. More organizations are adopting a simple yet highly effective strategy devised by Apple founder Steve Jobs to run meetings that actually produce results. “Steve had a...
by William Comcowich | Mar 8, 2018 | Business
The ability to “see forward” separates the most admired executives — including executives in PR — from their peers. Business leaders with that much-admired ability can envision how emerging trends will impact their organization and articulate...
by William Comcowich | Oct 19, 2016 | Business
The fast-approaching conference season offers a goldmine of learning and networking opportunities for PR and marketing professionals. Besides presenting superb opportunities to promote your brand, conferences offer an excellent opportunity to learn about industry best...
by William Comcowich | Mar 4, 2016 | Business
Sometimes PR and marketing professionals simply must say “no” to people who make demands on their time or other limited resources. Saying “yes” to requests for your assistance or to take on additional assignments can sometimes open the door to opportunities. Saying...
by William Comcowich | Jul 17, 2015 | Business
Some companies, including public relations and marketing departments, create office rules in an attempt to control wayward workers and improve productivity. More often than not, the rules end up backfiring and harming the company. All too frequently,...