WordPress database error: [Table 'wordpress.wp_cleantalk_sfw' doesn't exist]
SELECT network, mask, status, source FROM wp_cleantalk_sfw WHERE network IN (310378496,314572800,315621376,316145664,316407808,316538880,316604416,316637184,316653568,316661760,316663808,316664832,316665344,316665472,316665504,316665520,316665524,316665526,316665527) AND network = 316665527 & mask AND 4167 ORDER BY status DESC

Glean.info Blog: Crisis Management Archives - Page 9 of 13 - glean.info

If the CEO Behaves Badly, Then What?

Misconduct by the CEO, even if it’s not illegal, greatly impacts the organization – and lately there have been many unfortunate instances of scoundrels in the C-suite. The recent cases mostly involve improper relationships (such a useful equivocation) with employees...