WordPress database error: [Table 'wordpress.wp_cleantalk_sfw' doesn't exist]
SELECT network, mask, status, source FROM wp_cleantalk_sfw WHERE network IN (58720256,59244544,59375616,59441152,59457536,59461632,59463680,59464192,59464448,59464576,59464640,59464642) AND network = 59464642 & mask AND 74143 ORDER BY status DESC

Glean.info Blog: Public Relations Archives - Page 54 of 59 - glean.info

50 Examples of the Benefits of PR

CEOs, CFOs and other top corporate executives sometimes question the value of public relations, claiming that PR has no tangible link to ROI or other similar business metrics. The truth is: PR helps companies save money, become more efficient, build brand awareness,...

PR Lessons from Apple

  Apple’s PR is often described as disciplined, legendary, and the most effective in the world. Observers greeted its Apple Watch PR promotions with similar accolades. SeekingAlpha contributor Steven Isakson (who is long on Apple) described the typical Apple PR...