WordPress database error: [Table 'wordpress.wp_cleantalk_sfw' doesn't exist]
SELECT network, mask, status, source FROM wp_cleantalk_sfw WHERE network IN (59768832,59899904,59965440,59981824,59985920,59986944,59987200,59987232,59987248,59987256,59987258,59987259) AND network = 59987259 & mask AND 51743 ORDER BY status DESC

Glean.info Blog: Public Relations Archives - Page 6 of 59 - glean.info

8 Ways to Reduce Zoom Fatigue

8 Ways to Reduce Zoom Fatigue Like many others businesses, Highwire Public Relations told employees to work from home in March. And like many others, they found themselves overwhelmed with virtual meetings: team meetings, one-on-one meetings, client meetings and virtual happy hours. They were...

Worries & Uncertainty Stalk PR Industry

Worries & Uncertainty Stalk PR Industry Not surprisingly, most public relations professionals worry about the future. Many, especially furloughed and laid-off PR pros, worry about their careers. Those working at home are concerned about working conditions if and when they return to offices as Covid-19...