Schedule Your Free Demo:

Media Monitoring & Measurement for the Entire Enterprise

dashboard example

In a 30-minute free online demo of’s Media Monitoring & Measurement Dashboard, you’ll learn how your entire enterprise can benefit from’s comprehensive media coverage and full-featured media measurement dashboard. Executives throughout the organization can gather data that’s relevant to their specific duties and responsibilities.

The comprehensive media monitoring and full-featured media measurement dashboard benefits

  • competitive intelligence,
  • market research,
  • product managers,
  • country managers,
  • customer service,
  • legal,
  • finance,
  • human resources,
  • strategic planning
  • … and more. delivers the fine-grained information that division managers, product managers, and country managers seek by organizing media results by product or geography.

With its powerful metrics to analyze online news, print, broadcast news and social media,’s media measurement dashboard provides an easy-to-use interface, eye-catching graphics, detailed reports and valuable insights you’ve always dreamed of. It even includes website analytics.

If you desire, our experienced analysts will analyze media mentions for sentiment and important content and uncover emerging issues and trends in daily reports. Analysts can also create a daily executive news briefing.

Schedule Your Demo Now!

Our media monitoring and measurement experts will explain how you can:

  • Obtain better and more accurate media monitoring results with less junk.
  • Create different search profiles and analytics reports to meet the monitoring & measurement needs of different countries, divisions, brands, models, competitors, special projects or most any other business segment you wish.
  • Automatically generate up-to-the-minute charts & graphs that display aggregated reach and impact of your media placements.
  • Accurately evaluate sentiment, messages, spokespersons and many other qualitative factors.
  • Create custom analytics to meet your specific needs.
  • Assemble and export eye-catching reports.
  • Easily create a corporate or brand newsletter based on your media clips.
  • Save time and improve productivity.
  • Pay less for markedly better media monitoring and measurement results.
  • In the demo, our measurement experts will listen to your needs and special requirements so we can structure a customized media monitoring and measurement solution that fits your specifications.

Schedule Your Demo Now!

There’s absolutely no risk and no obligation.
Questions about the demo or our services?
Call 800-461-7353 FREE. reserves the right to limit free demos and trials.

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