Quantifying goals and results can help PR gain the respect of management and obtain “a seat at the table.” Photo credit PRPB via Wikimedia Commons
Some C-level executives may mistakenly believe they can create a PR department, hire staff (or retain a PR agency) and let the professionals loose, churning out press releases and prompting scores of favorable media articles.
The reality is that an organization’s public relations staff requires support and involvement from its top management in order to be effective. PR has the responsibility of gaining C-level commitment to PR, winning their involvement, maintaining communications with C-level executives and making sure they understand PR’s functions, goals and campaigns.
What Does PR Do?
More than half of executives (59 percent) surveyed by Wakefield Research said they do not fully understand the role and capabilities of PR. Three-fourths say they spend a half hour or less each week discussing their PR strategy. Fewer than half (44 percent) said they were “very involved” in establishing PR goals in 2014, according to the survey done in partnership with the Public Relations Society of America New Jersey Chapter.
PR bears some responsibility for those abysmal stats. Seventy percent of executives say they feel their PR partners haven’t articulated PR goals and strategies “very well.” More tellingly, 64 percent of c-level executives say they would support increased investments in PR if goals and strategies were more clearly defined.
Here are some key areas where PR can involve C-level managers, win their support and “get a seat at the table.”
Strategy. Involve management in establishing PR strategies. Executive involvement is critical for setting PR strategy, just as it is for product development. Involving the organization’s leadership in developing its PR strategy is the first step for gaining and retaining management’s involvement in other PR activities.
Goals. Getting the CEO and other decision-makers to agree on what constitutes PR success is one of the first steps to creating a healthy relationship between PR and upper management. Quantifying goals can gain the support of management. That means learning how to use analytics and PR measurement. The numbers most likely to make an impression on senior management involve impact on sales and profits (or donations if a nonprofit), rather than PR measurements like followers, likes, engagements and shares.
Expectations, placements and timetables. PR must set management expectations on types of media placements and their specific value. Management egos crave media placements in leading national publications like The New York Times, Washington Post, or Wall Street Journal. For many businesses, however, placements in trade journals are more effective in generating product awareness, leads and sales. Some senior executives may unrealistically expect loads of positive press coverage almost immediately. PR and management must agree on a timetable for reaching goals. Company leadership must understand that favorable press coverage, or any press coverage at all, is not guaranteed and that developing media relationships and implementing a strategic PR plan requires time and resources. Setting realistic expectations about placements and timetables can gain PR greater credibility among upper management.
Inside information. Convincing management to immediately inform PR of important developments is crucial for effective PR. PR functions well only if it’s treated like a member of the executive team and kept in the loop. When something goes wrong, PR is the first point of contact with the media and the public. If PR pros aren’t informed, they are at a disadvantage. They, and the organization, may appear foolish.
Accessibility. When a crisis erupts, it’s essential for executives to be ready to speak to the media at a moment’s notice. Management must understand that journalists have deadlines to meet and will write their articles without your organization’s input. High level executives must meet the journalist’s schedules – not the organization’s. Even if no crisis is at hand, reporters or bloggers won’t include executives in their articles if they don’t receive responses to questions in a timely matter.
Bottom Line: C-level executives frequently don’t appreciate what’s needed for effective public relations. It’s incumbent on PR to educate the executive leaders. By quantifying goals and results, PR departments can help senior management understand the benefits of PR campaigns and win a “seat at the table” with on-going access to top-level management.
William J. Comcowich founded and served as CEO of CyberAlert LLC, the predecessor of Glean.info. He is currently serving as Interim CEO and member of the Board of Directors. Glean.info provides customized media monitoring, media measurement and analytics solutions across all types of traditional and social media.