Courtesey of Gavin Llewellyn
What is earned media? The definition is important because it establishes PR’s role in relation to marketing and advertising.
As PR competes with other SEO, marketing, and advertising, the boundaries between the functions blur. Definitions surrounding earned, paid and owned media have blurred even more in recent years as new marketing channels like native advertising emerged.
PR and marketing professionals view earned media differently. Marketers traditionally confine earned media to press and broadcast coverage and consider media relations to be PR’s central function. However, earned media has expanded to include blogger relations, influencer relations as well as mentions in everyday conversations and social media.
Marketing guru Heidi Cohen surveyed 38 marketing/PR pros for their opinions about earned media.
Earned Media – Not Just Media Placements Anymore
Many commenters stressed that earned media means more than press releases. It also includes social media mentions, mentions in bloggers’ post, web searches, review sites, word of mouth. It’s any positive mention through a channel the brand doesn’t pay for or own.
“Defining earned media as press coverage driven solely by PR efforts is a narrow view. I believe that earned media is the end result of coordinated, multi-channel efforts,” said Erin (Mack) McKelvey, CEO of SalientMG.
“I define earned media as any mention of you, your company or its products and services on a website other than your own. It typically includes mentions on news websites, blogs and Google,” stated Adam Franklin of Blue Wire Media. “…I include social media shares as long they’re from accounts other than your own,” he added.
“I define earned media as any time someone out there talks about your brand without being paid to do so,” stated Doug Kessler of Velocity.
The brand mention can appear anywhere, not just traditional media. Placements in social media through PR efforts qualify as earned media.
Although some said earned media is any brand exposure obtained without paying for it, Cohen pointed out that earned media is not truly free. It requires a budget to achieve.
Author Heidi Cohen said earned media:
• Helps achieve your business objectives – brand building, increased traffic, thought leadership, and product purchases.
• Involves building relationships.
• Requires other people to mention you or your business.
• Extends to four key types of media (owned media, social media, curated media and third-party media).
• Leverages other people’s audiences.
• Requires business resources.
• Yields measurable and trackable results.
“Ideally, earned media encourages prospects to become interested enough in your offering so that they’re at least willing to try it out,” Cohen stated. “Translation: the impact of earned media is measurable.”
It’s Really Earned Influence
Christopher Graves, chairman of Ogilvy PR and chairman of the Council of PR Firms, goes a step further than others, arguing that the term “earned media” limits PR’s core competency. Defining PR’s role as obtaining “earned influence” is more accurate and appropriate.
PR pros are experts at building relationships and trust with different audiences, guarding reputations, and earning influence. Competent PR pros now have skills covering social media, content marketing, visual storytelling and data analysis.
Consumers distrust messages from brands more than ever. That means earned influence has become more important and that PR is more valuable.
Bottom Line: The meaning of earned media, PR’s central function, has changed and expanded with the rise of online influencers and social media. Instead of covering just traditional media placements, earned media now means favorable mentions through any channel the brand doesn’t pay for or own. That new meaning is critical for defining PR’s role.
William J. Comcowich founded and served as CEO of CyberAlert LLC, the predecessor of Glean.info. He is currently serving as Interim CEO and member of the Board of Directors. Glean.info provides customized media monitoring, media measurement and analytics solutions across all types of traditional and social media.