data anlytics for public relations measurementAlmost everything – from purchasing behavior to social media sentiments — can now be tracked by computer. In provides enhanced insights into consumer behavior, that data is changing how PR functions. PR departments and agencies that embrace data analysis forge ahead with greater success.Those that do not risk stagnating. 

With better data, PR can uncover patterns in consumer behavior that can help craft their storytelling, Christopher Daguimol, regional PR director at ZALORA Group, told Marketing Interactive.

“Focusing on data can help the PR industry to be more strategic and accountable to measurable outcomes based on real market insights,” he said. “To put it simply, using data for PR campaigns can help us craft the right message for the right people using the right channel and this gives us a higher chance of engaging them.”

Influencer Marketing Benefits

For instance, data benefits the influencer marketing programs of ZALORA. It tracks purchases linked to specific influencers by giving influencers a special code they give to their fans, allowing the company to track purchases and measure the impact particular influencers.

Gaining the full benefits of data requires PR professionals to dig deeper to seek reasons for consumers’ actions rather than simply accepting information at its face value, he Daguimol. If you learn that more people are shopping through their mobile phones, try to understand why. Keep asking relevant questions to find those reasons.

Social listening and data analysis enables brands to evaluate possible outcomes of PR and marketing activities. Data analysis creates different scenarios. By adding and replacing variables, brands can predict the success different PR and marketing activities. 

In addition, social media monitoring can reveal issuesthat would otherwise go undetected such as increasing criticism of company initiatives or products. Monitoring can then alert not only PR, but also staff in product development and advertising.

Insights Behind the Numbers

The importance of dedicating time and resources to pursue insights behind the data was one of the main takeaways from the Advertising Age Data Conference, writes Matt Anger, an associate digital strategist for Ketchum on the company’s blog. Data from social media and digital sources is plentiful, sometimes overwhelming. Organizations that allot the resources needed to uncover insights based on data will gain the advantage.

“Social and digital data helps brands better determine the “why” compared to traditional analytics,” Anger stated. “How loyal are our consumers going to be in the future? Should we invest on Facebook to keep a particular audience engaged? These questions can be answered using social/digital analytics.”

A challenge is finding the talent needed to take advantage of data. “Statistical Analysis and Data Mining” was the most desirable skill on LinkedIn’s list of the 25 Hottest Skills of 2014. PR and marketing departments and agencies with advanced data analysis skills are likely to achieve greater success going forward.

Bottom Line: Data analysis can provide substantial benefits for public relations. However, it requires dedicating time and resources to understand the insights hiding behind the numbers.