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2020 PR Crisis Playbook - glean.info

2020 PR Crisis Playbook

A Guide on Crisis Prevention and Management for
PR and Corporate Communications Professionals

2020 PR Crisis Playbook

PR crises are more common than ever. Regulatory fines, product recalls or failures, security breaches, fake news reports, misbehaving executives and viral social media attacks pose significant risks to corporate and brand reputation. Organizations that are unprepared can suffer disastrous consequences. Glean.info’s updated guidebook explains how to decrease the chances of suffering a calamity, handle a PR crisis properly and confidently, and rebuild the organization’s corporate reputation.

The playbook covers:

  • Why a new PR crisis playbook is needed for today’s new media landscape.
  • How to prepare a comprehensive crisis management plan.
  • Case studies of worst-handled and best-handled PR crises in recent times.
  • The latest research and recommendations from leading crisis management experts on how to survive different types of crises.
  • How to use social media monitoring & measurement and other tools to avoid crises and recover from public relations damage.

Table of Contents

New PR Crisis Playbook Needed for Today’s Changed Media Landscape

How to Prepare for the Inevitable PR Crisis

How Triage Improves PR Crisis Management

How to Manage Communications for a Cybersecurity Breach

Do Strong Reputations Help Companies Recover from a PR Crisis?

Must-Do Media Monitoring & Measurement Methods in a PR Crisis

How PR Crisis Simulations Prepare Companies for the Real Thing

How to Monitor & Measure Media & Consumer Opinion during a PR Crisis

Why PR Crisis Managers Should Learn to Love Lawyers

PR Crisis Strategies for Start-Ups

6 PR Crisis Management Lessons from the Wells Fargo Scandal

PR Crisis Communications Lessons from the Gucci Mental Health Protest

Free Download 2020 PR Crisis Playbook

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