by William Comcowich | May 22, 2015 | Measurement
Time-based metrics appear to be gaining greater acceptance as a new advertising and marketing metric. Just this week, the Financial Times announced it will sell online advertising based on costs per hour (CPH), measuring not just whether an ad is seen or not, but...
by William Comcowich | Apr 3, 2015 | Measurement
Attention-based metrics are touted by some as the new measurement standard that’s far superior to traditional metrics like page views or impressions. Attention-based metrics essentially measure how long website visitors view content. Some of the media companies...
by kpaine | Feb 23, 2015 | Measurement
Guest Blog by Katie Delahaye Paine, publisher, Paine Publishing 1. Making up Metrics I was recently on a conference call with a respected international measurement organization and a new member of the group was explaining how she’d been pressured by her CEO to...
by William Comcowich | Jan 30, 2015 | Measurement
What if you obtain 50 click-throughs from a link in a blog post? Is that good? How do you know? The number may or may not seem good, depending entirely on what comparisons you use. You know what results are good by benchmarking, the process of comparing your...
by William Comcowich | Jan 9, 2015 | Measurement
Most everyone in PR now accepts the need for and value of media measurement. Yet ideal PR measurement remains elusive. Different organizations have widely varying PR goals. Many PR goals are innately difficult to measure. It is difficult to establish values for...