WordPress database error: [Table 'wordpress.wp_cleantalk_sfw' doesn't exist]
SELECT network, mask, status, source FROM wp_cleantalk_sfw WHERE network IN (50331648,50855936,51118080,51249152,51314688,51347456,51363840,51372032,51374080,51374592,51374848,51374912,51374928,51374932,51374933) AND network = 51374933 & mask AND 16600 ORDER BY status DESC

Glean.info Blog: Public Relations Archives - Page 15 of 59 - glean.info

PR Lessons from the 2019 Political Scene

PR Lessons from the 2019 Political Scene PR practitioners can learn quite a lot by paying attention to the current political scene. Doing so provides a tuition-free course in public relations that’s not in PR communication school syllabuses. Many of the lessons apply to non-political agency PR. Below are...

6 PR Lessons from Airbnb

6 PR Lessons from Airbnb Airbnb has become a household name mainly through its PR and marketing practices. Its core service, online reservations for short-term rentals, isn’t unique. Others, such as VBO.com, HomeAway and even Craigslist, post short-term rentals. Instead, Airbnb become top of...