seo keys

Media relations is key to improving search engine rankings. Photo credit: SEOPlanter

Search engine optimization (SEO) tactics changed drastically in recent years as Google repeatedly altered its algorithm for ranking search results. Google’s Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird updates devalued automated SEO tactics like spammy links in blog comments and mass emails to webmasters requesting links. These days, such tactics incur Google’s wrath and penalties, not higher rankings.

Forthcoming updates by Google undoubtedly will buttress the search engine algorithms that defend against automated or so-called “black hat” SEO tactics.

These days, there’s still one really effective SEO tactic to win high search engine rankings: Earn links from high-quality websites with strong reputations. That’s the specialty of media relations pros.

PR and SEO are Almost the Same

As Christopher Penn at Shift Communications explains, PR and SEO both entail getting other people to see the value of your content: Their jobs are almost the same: contact publications, send pitches, provide content, and get credit for the content.

“The only significant difference is that SEO folks are usually more vigilant about getting a link in an article than PR folks; otherwise, the processes are about the same,” Penn points out.

Because the jobs are almost identical, the SEO function should be housed within media relations and public relations departments, Penn argues. Plus, PR and SEO must work together closely and media relations pros must learn how to use SEO tools like Google Webmaster Tools, Google Analytics, and the Moz toolbar.

A Media Relations Demonstration

Gina Dietrich of Spin Sucks explains how media relations for SEO can improve search engine ranking. A search for “PR metrics” on Google showed two Spin Sucks results in the sixth and seventh spots on the first page. Excellent. But not top.

Dietrich demonstrates how old-fashioned media relations can move her articles on “PR Metrics” higher in the Page 1 search rankings.

With the moz toolbar, find sites with stronger domain authority than your own site. In her example, she cites PRSA and OPEN, the American Express publication for small business.

Write and pitch articles for those sites. Using the keywords, preferably in the headline, include links back to your web page or to a blog post on the topic on our website,.

When websites with strong domain authority publish your contributed posts, your search rankings for the keyword and your domain authority magically rise as Google recognizes you as a leading authority on the topic.

The effort doesn’t end with two contributed articles. A media relations campaign to increase search engine results entails multiple submissions. Dietrich planned to place about 10 articles on the topic of PR metrics and expected search rankings to improve within about 30 days after content is published.

Bottom Line: Of all the elements that Google uses to determine search engine the most important is the number of links from high-quality websites. Media relations skills are key to obtaining those links and placement of keyword rich articles in influential publications has become today’s most effective method for improving search engine rankings. It’s the “white hat” SEO technique that’s win-win-win. PR, Google, and search engine users all win.