How to Prepare a Great Request for Proposal (RFP) for Media Monitoring & PR Measurement Services
This new 16-page educational white paper from CyberAlert LLC offers detailed guidance on developing the requirements and specifications for an RFP to select the most qualified vendor to conduct media monitoring and measurement for a corporation, government agency or not-for-profit organization.

The ebook includes detailed guidance on:
- Determining monitoring/measurement objectives
- Issues with bundling multiple PR services in one RFP
- Inter-departmental methods to develop the RFP
- Writing specifications for online news monitoring
- Creating social media monitoring specifications
- Key PR measurement questions to ponder
- Developing specifications for measuring news
- Determining social media measurement specifications
- Specifying content of PR measurement reports
- Special tips for preparing the RFP
- Typical sections for the RFP
- Identifying qualified vendors
- Evaluating proposals
- Methods for selecting a vendor
and much more!!