We’ve selected the best articles on marketing and PR measurement posted on the Glean.info blog in 2019.

By reviewing the articles, communications professionals can learn how to use media intelligence for PR crisis management, improve their social media analytics, and prove the value of their PR campaigns. They can study common measurement mistakes to avoid and recommendations from leading experts on how to improve PR and marketing measurement practices.

You might want to retain the list as a convenient reference throughout the new year.

2020 PR measurement trends, 2020 PR analytics trends4 Key PR Measurement Trends to Expect in 2020

2020 will ring in new challenges and opportunities for PR measurement. Emerging trends, changing consumer sentiment, and improving technologies in PR and corporate communications will impact PR analytics.


social media measurement mistakes10 Most Common Media Monitoring & Measurement Mistakes – And How to Fix Them

While media monitoring and measurement provides many benefits, common mistakes blunt its value. Fixing those prevalent errors unleashes its full power.


measure social media marketing stopsHow to Measure Social Media Marketing More Effectively in 6 Simple Steps

Proving the effectiveness of social media remains challenging for many marketers. Marketers can show how social media supports business goals by tracking metrics that match the organization’s goals and selecting the right social media monitoring and measurement tool.


Google analytics measures PR, PR measurement with Google AnalyticsHow Google Analytics Helps Prove the Value of PR & Marketing

Google Analytics offers a valuable tool to show how public relations and marketing help meet business goals. Being able to use Google Analytics well has now become a required skill for modern communications professionals.


pr crisis measurement tipsMust-Do Media Monitoring & Measurement Methods in a PR Crisis

All-in-one media monitoring and measurement provides one of the most important tools to alert organizations of an emerging PR crisis and determine how best to respond during a crisis.


practical PR measurement solutions5 Practical PR Measurement Solutions

PR faces growing pressure to prove how it contributes to the organization’s sales funnel and bottom line. These are some practical solutions to that PR measurement challenge.


social media monitoring & measurement benefits

Goldmine of Data from Social Media Measurement Goes Untapped

Although social media listening and analytics can provide a goldmine of information to guide a range of corporate departments, few companies really dig into that treasure trove, new research reveals.


measure social media ROI, social media return on investmentStop Trying to Calculate PR ROI – Perform a Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Instead

PR pros who try to determine their ROI are engaging in a quixotic pursuit. It’s near impossible to obtain the required valid data to calculate PR ROI. The imprecise data results in erroneous and implausible ROI calculations. Some PR measurement experts recommend a cost-effectiveness analysis instead.


media measurement dashboard essential elements, PR measurement dashboards12 Must-Have Features in a Robust Media Measurement Dashboard

Finding a media monitoring and measurement tool that meets your organization’s specific needs can be challenging. A first-class media intelligence and analytics dashboard includes key metrics and features that help produce actionable insights. The best dashboards also enable sharing of customized content and data across the enterprise.


marketing measurement flaws, measuring marketing ROIThe Deadly but Common Flaw in Marketing Measurement

Under pressure to prove success and secure higher budgets, marketers tend to measure ROI long before the sales cycle has concluded. That leads to flawed findings and lack of confidence in marketing measurement.


Disadvantages of Native Social Media AnalyticsImportance of PR & Marketing Measurement Grows: How to Do Analytics Cost-Effectively

Top corporate managers and boards demand greater accountability from PR and marketing. Communications departments can meet that challenge with the help of advanced media measurement services that integrate data from multiple media types into a single online dashboard.


social media measurement likes, best social media marketing metrics, What Metrics Best Measure Social Media Marketing Success? It’s NOT “Likes.”

Selecting the best social media metrics is a critical step for PR and marketing measurement. While follower growth and reach can indicate how social media efforts are faring, they don’t show how those efforts help meet business objectives. Marketers need more advanced metrics and the right social media measurement tools to show results that impress the bosses.