5 Essentials for Successful Email Marketing

Marketers are beginning to prepare email campaigns for the all-important holiday shopping season. “While it may be difficult to turn our attention away from summer vacations, now is the perfect time to start planning for the holiday season,” states the Q2 2016 Email...

Marketers Irate over Olympic Restrictions

A new warning from the United States Olympic Committee (USOC) puts marketers and PR pros on guard. Some commentators call the USOC’s aggressive protection of its trademarks outlandishly extreme. A new USOC letter warns non-sponsor companies against including the...

Marketing Lessons from the Pokémon GO Craze

Since the Pokémon GO exploded into popularity this month, marketers have been busy attempting to capture marketing benefits and lessons from the augmented reality game. Players hunt animated Pokémon creatures that appear on their phone screens. Different types of...