by psymonds | Apr 10, 2015 | Marketing
By Peter Symonds Successful marketing is a process and not a ‘one off’. Just because someone has been exposed to your brand doesn’t guarantee they’re going to become (or remain) a loyal customer. Great marketing is about building and nurturing a relationship with your...
by Max Sewell | Mar 17, 2015 | Marketing
While most savvy PR and marketing teams enthusiastically pursue social media strategies, many may neglect another communication channel that could offers untapped potential (and also risk): texting. Organizations targeting younger people may especially benefit from...
by William Comcowich | Feb 27, 2015 | Marketing
Determining the effectiveness of your marketing efforts can be a major challenge. A well-structured marketing measurement program is the best way to determine if marketing strategies and tactics are really working. Marketers can turn to CyberAlert’s new handbook,...
by dellis | Feb 11, 2015 | Marketing
Editor’s note: This post was contributed by Dawn Ellis of alldayPA, a telephone answering service. Every time you speak about your business you’re marketing. And with every business conversation comes an opportunity to raise awareness of your brand, promote your...
by William Comcowich | Feb 9, 2015 | Marketing
Older Americans represent an enormous opportunity for marketers. The number of online Americans 65 and older is growing faster than younger adults and will continue to increase quickly as the population ages and as more seniors embrace the Internet. Elderly...
by Rohan Ayyar | Jan 29, 2015 | Marketing
Editor’s Note: The following article is a guest post submitted by Rohan Ayyar of E2M and Moveo Apps. Good email marketing is like a true friend – it meets you often, listens to what you have to say, keeps channels of communication open, offers strong support, and...