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ClipMetrics is a comprehensive, affordable, easy-to-use media measurement service designed for mid-size and smaller organizations. - glean.info

clipmetrics online content analysis system
All the tools you need to:
check Measure your media coverage
check Demonstrate the success of
your communications program
and even
check Benchmark your competitors

Public Relations (PR) Measurement, Evaluation & Analysis Service

ClipMetrics™ is a comprehensive, affordable, easy-to-use media measurement service designed for mid-size and smaller organizations.

ClipMetrics Index
What is ClipMetrics?
What does ClipMetrics media measurement service do?
How and when are reports delivered?
What measurement data does the media measurement service use?
What charts/graphs does the media measurement service generate?
What do the charts/graphs look like in the media measurement tool?
What methodology does the media measurement service use?
What special features does the media measurement service have?
What makes the media measurement service special?
What about customer service?
How do I start the media media measurement service?

What is ClipMetrics?

ClipMetrics is a thorough, accurate, and time-saving online media measurement and media analysis dashboard solution that automatically tracks and analyzes the news clips you receive from CyberAlert about your company, its brands, people and competitors. For the small to mid-size company or not-for-profit organization, ClipMetrics media measurement service is today’s most effective and cost-efficient way to measure effectiveness of worldwide, national, or local press coverage produced by your public relations and marketing communications programs.

What does ClipMetrics media measurement service do?

ClipMetrics media measurement service automatically aggregates and analyzes meta-data and viewership/readership media metrics attached to CyberAlert’s online news clips. It’s advanced software program then instantly displays media evaluation and analysis reports in precise, colorful, easy-to-understand charts and graphs that measure and demonstrate the success of your media relations and public relations activities.

How and when are reports delivered?

ClipMetrics media measurement service enables you to access your news clips and measurement reports at anytime from anywhere to analyze media data because ClipMetrics is an always on online service.

After logging into the ClipMetrics media measurement service using any standard Internet browser, you can see your clips and generate your media analysis nearly instantly on screen.

Your media analysts can customize the media measurement charts and graphs for any time period you desire, enabling you to measure the impact of short campaigns on a day-to-day basis or to assess on-going communications programs over the long term.

You can then print out individual charts or groups of charts right away for media analysis. On any chart or graph you can right-click, save the graph and easily import it into a Word document or PowerPoint presentation for executive reporting.

And you can export the media measures and metrics into an Excel spreadsheet for further slicing and dicing.

What measurement data does the media analysis service use?

Every news clip delivered by CyberAlert contains detailed meta-data, measures and media metrics including name of publisher, location of publisher, type of publication, size of article and detailed viewership/circulation data about that news source.

The viewership/circulation metrics include:

What charts/graphs does the media measurement service generate?

To measure impact of media relations and public relations activities for corporations or brands,

the ClipMetrics media measurement service automatically generates a wide array of precise, colorful, high-impact charts and graphs displaying the aggregated quantitative data delivered with your online news clips from CyberAlert. To determine “reach”, it measures “opportunities to see” or “impressions” over time for both online and print media services. It also automatically measures frequency of news sources, types of news source (e.g.: newspaper, trade journal, TV station, web portal, etc.) and median size of article over time. The only thing you have to do is choose the beginning and ending dates for the graphical reports you want to see.

The qualitative measures in ClipMetrics include tone, prominence, dominance, messages and spokespersons. The media measurement system generates the metrics for any time period you specify.

Currently, the Complete List of Graphs includes more than 70 different graphs sorted into four different categories, depending on the service you order.

What do the charts/graphs look like in the media measurement tool?

Click Here to see a selection of ClipMetrics media measurement reports with charts and graphs. The ClipMetrics demo measures and analyzes news clips about five automobile insurance companies from about 200 high-visibility news media sites in the U.S. over a six-month period.

What methodology does the service use?

The ClipMetrics media measurement service complies strictly with the Media Measurement Guidelines of the Institute for Public Relations.

What special features does the service have?

ClipMetrics can measure media placements from 55,000+ online news sources worldwide in 250+ languages.

To access your publicity measurement reports and analyze media, you only need your standard Web browser. You don’t need to install any other software.

You can export all your clip data into your own custom Excel spreadsheet so that you can slice and dice the media data, and generate your own additional reports and presentations for media measurement, evaluation and analysis.

You can name the author (by-line) of any press clip.

By simply clicking on a data point, you can instantly see the full text of the article itself, plus all the meta data about the article including national opportunities to see and print circulation.

For additional fees, you can customize the media analysis service to your own specifications.

If you don’t want to assess articles for tone, messages, etc. internally, you can retain CyberAlert to do the reading and article assessments for you. Our well-trained contractors will do all the work and you get a complete turn-key service. All you do is sign into the system and click the “ClipMetrics” tab to get the completed media measurement and evaluation report anytime you want it and for the precise period you want.

What makes the media measurement service special?

  • Superior measurement data — detailed, reliable, updated monthly
  • Always on — create the reports you specify instantly at any time with just a few clicks of your mouse
  • Totally flexible — create reports for virtually any time period up to one year
  • Simple to learn — learn the entire system in less than 30 minutes
  • Immediate results — get measurement results the same day you start the service
  • Easy to use — intuitive user interface designed by communications professionals
  • Full text accessibility — see full article text of all your clips
  • Time-saving — generates quantitative media measurement reports automatically with no input required from you. Clever online tools make it quick and easy for you to assess articles for tone, prominence, dominance and other parameters.
  • Approved methodology — adheres strictly to guidelines for media measurement by the Institute for Public Relations
  • Budget friendly — amazing low cost makes media measurement affordable for most every organization. Call now for price quote 800-461-7353

What about customer service?

CyberAlert’s reputation for exceptional and highly personalized customer service carries over to the new ClipMetrics service. We’ll provide you with all the training and help you need to use the media

measurement service and to analyze media evaluation reports. When you call, you’ll immediately get a knowledgeable customer service rep to answer your questions. You’ll also find that our customer service and technical staff respond extremely quickly to resolve problems.

How do I start the media measurement service?

It’s really easy to order your ClipMetrics media measurement and media analysis service. Usually, you’ll be up and running within 24 hours. Give us a call now. We’ll answer any questions you may have and be able to get you started right away.

ClipMetrics Online Media Measurement Service

Call Now for ClipMetrics Information & Price Quote 800-461-7353

Get Your Clipmetrics Free Demo

A Glean.info representative will contact you within 24 hours – and probably sooner.

ClipMetrics Key Benefits

Improved Insight

Gain greater insight into the results of your publicity campaigns. Better assess how, when and where publicity campaigns “moved the needle” on behalf of your company or its brands.

Detailed Management Reporting

Deliver clear, unambiguous and convincing charts and graphs to demonstrate success of communications campaigns to management.

Improved Media Relations

Gain greater understanding of strengths & weaknesses of your media relations program — and how to improve it. Better identify journalists’ attitudes and which journalists are following which issues.

Better Understand Competitors’ Programs

Benchmark how your media relations program stacks up against your competitors — and better counter their campaigns.

Better Target Future Publicity

With increased understanding of past efforts, better plan upcoming campaigns and adjust messages/media.

Time Savings

Save time in performing media monitoring and measurement with ClipMetrics automated tools.

Reduce Costs

Achieve substantial savings compared to other media measurement services. Substantially better and less expensive than doing media measurement yourself.

Secure Higher Budgets

Obtain increased budget allocations with clear evidence of success.