Guest Blogger

Guest blogging requires research, influencer outreach and pitching. Rohan Ayyar offers tips on perfecting these guest blogging tactics and more. Courtesy of Dennis Skley

Editor’s Note: The following article is a guest post submitted by Rohan Ayyar of E2M.

Search engines are not the only way to get found by consumers. While all the other methods of “building” links have been used and abused by over-eager SEO agencies, guest posting remains a credible way to earn links that still stand up to Google’s wrath.

When Matt Cutts seemingly came swooping down on guest posting for SEO, he wasn’t saying, “All guest blogging attempts will be destroyed!” Guest blogging is a very effective way to build strong inbound links to web properties — when it is done for the sake of visibility as opposed to rankings.

As with everything else in the world of digital marketing, half-hearted attempts, shady techniques, and improper execution of content strategies will all lead to the same fate.

Content, when created only for content’s sake, only adds to the mountain of BS on the web. Why else do you think Google constantly updates its search algorithms?

Guest blogging still works, for the reason that there’s an element of human control and ownership on both sides – creation and publication. And it will continue to work —provided you do it the right way. For businesses and marketers still pinning hopes on the efficacy of guest blogging, here’s how to go about it:

Get (and internalize) Google’s quality guidelines

Google publishes its quality guidelines on design, technical aspects, and content quality for a reason. It wants the best for its users.

Here are a few of Google’s recommendations you should probably print out and hang on the wall:

  • Generate useful, information-rich (not keyword rich) content.
  • Limit content to a reasonable number of links.
  • Consider creating a sitemap.
  • Weed out broken links.
  • Follow best practices for all elements of your page — including video, audio, and text.
  • Keep track of page performance. Look at page load speed, compatibility with other browsers, compatibility with multi-devices and screen sizes.

Thereare tons of information on how to reach out to bloggers and pitch your content wares. Here’s valuable advice from Shopify on how to write guest posts, identify the appropriate host blogs, and create content that will endear retailers to target audiences.

Go hunting. Look for influencers in your niche.

If you intend to implement a guest posting campaign for maximum results, you don’t just look for appropriate blogs; you seek to create relationships. Forget guest posting for a while and head out to create relationships. Go make friends.

For instance, start with something like this:

“Charlie, I just read your post on using professional photos for displaying products on ecommerce sites. I just wanted to thank you for the helpful post and to let know that it means a lot to me and for my business. I’ll keep in touch.”

“John, I couldn’t wait to let you know that your smashing post on the perils of today’s SEO practices. For too long, I’ve spent countless dollars on SEO not knowing what to expect. Now, I do. Thanks to you.”

Do some research on past articles these potential guest bloggers published. You have to get a “feel” for the content. It’s only after conducting the research that you should consider reaching out to them.

When you reach out, don’t have any expectations. Don’t rush to do business (blogging is a business too). Don’t sound desperate. Just let them know that you’re one of their followers, and that you took time to communicate your thoughts.

Guest posting can wait for later.

Build a pipeline (yes, a pipeline) for guest posting

Since guest posting isn’t exactly sales, it’s difficult to think of it as a “pipeline” or “funnel.” But I say: why not? Pipelines are no more than a queue of opportunities. Guest posting is an opportunity and you ought to build a pipeline for it.

Your guest bloggers should publish content relevant to the niche or category of your products and business. Read what they publish, keep track of their content through social media, and approach them the right way (read above). Corey Shelton discusses how to plan and execute a niche marketing strategy to drive targeted traffic while building enriching business relationships in a Moz webinar.

Next, build influencers into your pipeline. You can find influencers using any or all of the tools below:

  • LinkedIn Pulse
  • FollowerWonk
  • BuzzStream
  • Klout Topics
  • Twitter Elite
  • Technorati
  • PeerIndex
  • Kred

As you put them together, continue with the small talk. Support them on their causes. Like, follow, and comment on content they share.

That’s how you build relationships. That’s the path of least resistance for blogging.

Aim for awesomeness in content and publication

Read through detailed guides on “how to guest post” by stalwarts and thought leaders such as Ramit Sethi or Neil Patel. A few best practices will stand out:

  • Write the post first. Pitch it later.
  • Write content that’s super-useful for the readers of the host blog. Not your own.
  • No grammatical errors of any sort. Ever.
  • No attitude (at least not the negative kind). No condescending language.
  • Be patient after the pitch. Wait and follow-up.
  • Once you get the post published, promote it. Always respond to comments. It’s your responsibility and not that of the host blogger.

If your post can be classified as anything less than awesome, it shouldn’t be published. Period.

Keep it neutral

As a marketer or business owner, it’s tempting to mention a product or two that you sell. NEVER try to sneak one in. Full disclosure will give you far more credibility than you can ever hope to get with a link or citation.

Even if the mention of the product flows naturally into the post, it’s usually unnecessary. Aim to write posts that are related to your niche but not promotional.   For promotion purposes, a mere mention or link in the author byline associating you with your product or company suffices is actually more credible than blatant promotion within the article.

The only acceptable premise for inclusion of any content related to your own business is when it’s truly valuable, useful, contextually relevant and low-key. Put your own judgment to work here.

Be a partner, not a leech

The best business consultants work with clients as if they are partners running the business. Pick that approach and weave it into your guest blogging program.

Host bloggers need excellent content. You need exposure, credibility, traffic, and conversions.

The only way to tally both sides of the equation is to stop thinking like a marketer, an SEO professional, or a business owner and start thinking about your relationship with each host blogger as an equal partner.

That relationship means being a real fan of the host blogger and using tips off the host blog to improve your business. before you dared to ask if you could submit a guest post. That’s exactly what most successful guest bloggers do. Read about Danny Iny’s journey to Copyblogger and beyond, and you’ll know what I mean.

Share your comments about guest posts.  I’d love to dig in.