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What You Need to Know about Google’s Possum Update
google possum update

Image source: Wikipedia

You may have heard of Google’s Panda algorithm update, its Penguin update and its Hummingbird update. Now it’s time to learn about its Possum update. That’s the name search engine optimization experts gave to Google latest revision to its all-important search engine algorithm.

Google did not announce the adjustment. SEO pros first noticed a massive change in local and map results, what they call the 3-pack and Local Finder, on Sept. 1 and closely scrutinized search results over following weeks. Some call it the most significant change to local search results since Pigeon in 2014.

The Importance of Locations

Specifically, businesses that fall outside the physical city limits saw a huge spike in rankings. Previously, businesses located just outside a city’s limits had extreme difficulty appearing in local search results – a source of consternation for businesses, their marketers and SEO consultants. Even if businesses listed the city on their mailing addresses and their customers probably thought of them as located in the city, Google’s results ignored them if they were located in a different census-designated place. Most viewed this as a geographic technicality, but not Google.

That’s changed with the latest update, explained Joy Hawkins at Search Engine Land.  For instance, Direct Inspections, located just outside Sarasota, FL, jumped from 31 to 10 for its keywords “Home Inspector Sarasota,” a substantial increase. That’s essentially moving from page 3 of organic search results to page 1.

Superior Filtering Capabilities

The algorithm is now even more sophisticated at filtering out duplicate results. A medical practice, for instance, might post different Google profiles for each doctor. If they think each doctor will get separate listings on local search results, they are now mistaken. Google notices identical phone numbers, links to the same website and the same or even nearly the same address. In some cases, businesses are filtered out based on ownership affiliation, even if they have different names, addresses and phone numbers, Hawkins says.

In one case, local search results displayed two personal injury attorneys alternatively. Results showed one but never both at the same time. Although the lawyers have different addresses, they are located in the same building.

Thus, the nickname of possum, credited to SEO expert Phil Rozek of Local Visibility System. Businesses owners think their listing is dead, but it has only been filtered or playing possum.

Other Possum Changes

SEO experts notice other significant Possum-induced changes.

The physical location of the searcher is now more important. Searchers in different locations may see completely different results for identical search terms. That means it’s more important than ever to make sure the searcher location is set to the right city when tracking ranking.

Search results vary more based on slight variations in keyword phrases. Terms such as “Los Angeles Chiropractor” or “Chiropractor Los Angeles” or “Chiropractor Los Angeles CA” can show different results.

The local filter seems to be running more independently from the organic search results. In the past, general search results for a business impacted its local search results, usually negatively. Now a company with poor search engine ranking may still rank well on local search.

Bottom Line: SEO experts call the Possum update one of the most significant revisions to the Google’s search engine algorithm in recent years. Some businesses have seen huge jumps in their search engine rank. Businesses, marketers and SEO consultants who stay abreast the changes gain a major competitive advantage.