by William Comcowich | Feb 13, 2020 | Public Relations
PR professionals may sometimes work with corporate executives, clients, colleagues or others who commit unsavory, unethical, or illegal actions. They may even give instructions for PR staff to commit unethical or legally questionable tasks. How many PR people would...
by William Comcowich | Feb 12, 2020 | Public Relations
Nearly 90% of C-Suite executives believe in the power of events, and 30% of marketers believe events are the single most effective marketing channel, more so than digital, email and content marketing, according to the Bizzabo Event Marketing Benchmarks and Trends...
by William Comcowich | Feb 10, 2020 | Media Relations
Press releases all seem the same. Little more than the company name changes as in: Company X is “an industry-leading platform with the best service and the largest partners with a turn-key solution that future-proofs your experience.” That’s because many PR...
by Brian Jones | Feb 7, 2020 | Guest Post
With 330 million active monthly users, Twitter is an obvious part of a well-developed digital marketing strategy. While it’s essential to grow a Twitter following, you also need to implement actionable steps to increase engagement and brand awareness. Here’s the top...
by William Comcowich | Feb 6, 2020 | Public Relations
The coronavirus has infected thousands and killed hundreds in China and it continues to spread to other countries. Healthcare organizations worldwide are working hard to treat patients, learn about the virus and quickly disseminate accurate information. The global...