by Arthur Solomon | Sep 20, 2018 | Guest Post
Soon it will be time for PR account teams to begin thinking about their 2019 programs. Almost certainly, agencies will offer up a sports tie-in. It’s almost as certain as the Buffalo Bills not winning this year’s Super Bowl. Too often, the result of a sports tie-in...
by William Comcowich | Sep 13, 2018 | Guest Post
As Hurricane Florence begins to pound the Carolinas, corporate communications around the country will likely be urgently reviewing their disaster response plans. Some will feel more confident of weathering storms than others, and some may wish they had created crisis...
by Arthur Solomon | Aug 6, 2018 | Guest Post
By Arthur Solomon Shush! “It’s a secret. Don’t tell any one. It’s only between us.” Not any more it isn’t. The recent Congressional hearings into the email exchanges between FBI agent Peter Strzok and FB I lawyer Lisa Page shows what I’ve always preached: If you want...
by Arthur Solomon | Jun 4, 2018 | Guest Post
“Change” is an often used word in political campaigns. It’s also a beloved word of PR firms. In both cases, way too often, the word “change” means nothing more than running in place. A number of years before becoming a senior VP/senior counselor at Burson-Marsteller,...
by Flora Dallas | May 16, 2018 | Guest Post
In 1914, on route to interviewing Henry Ford, a reporter saw Ford cruising down the street in the new touring car, carefree with all the windows open. On investigation, the reporter found that Ford could regularly be seen test driving the new models around the streets...
by Molly Clarke | May 1, 2018 | Guest Post
The internet has produced extreme information overload. Brands find it more and more difficult to break through excessive online noise to reach potential customers. To overcome the information overload, public relations and content marketing strategies must become...