WordPress database error: [Table 'wordpress.wp_cleantalk_sfw' doesn't exist]
SELECT network, mask, status, source FROM wp_cleantalk_sfw WHERE network IN (310378496,314572800,316669952,316735488,316768256,316784640,316792832,316796928,316798976,316800000,316800512,316800768,316800896,316800960,316800968) AND network = 316800968 & mask AND 58486 ORDER BY status DESC

Arthur Solomon, Author at glean.info - Page 6 of 8

Major Public Relations Blunders of 2018

Major Public Relations Blunders of 2018 Last year, I wrote an article for this blog about repeat performers in the circus of PR crises. 2018 proved that media blunders are endemic in business, sports, entertainment and politics. Because there were so many political miscues, my 2018 list is dominated by...